Class descriptions

Below are descriptions of the classes offered at various times by the Records & Information Management Office. Registration is managed through Workday. Classes also can be customized for your specific department or group meetings.

The Big Picture

Records Management for ALL 

Want to know what records to keep and when to destroy? The Records & Information Management Office can help with this general training session about the management of University records. Learn or review the basics of the Virginia Public Records Act and the policies on records management at the University of Virginia. This live webinar will review how to identify retention requirements for the records you manage, how to properly dispose of records, and how to manage your storage space.

Audience: Recommended for all University personnel other than those attending Records Management for Research.

Records Management for RESEARCH 

This focused training session covers research-related records. Learn or review the basics of the Virginia Public Records Act and the policies on records management at UVA. This session includes review of specific retentions for research records (including data sets, data collection instruments, proposals and financial records), how to properly dispose of records, and how to manage your storage space.

Audience: Recommended for all research administrators, lab managers and financial services personnel and student services personnel. This class is particularly useful for those working with clinical trial research, sponsored research, and University-funded research of a scientific/medical nature, as opposed to historical research.

Records Management Refresher & Next Steps 

This session will provide direction to personnel who have taken on records management responsibilities within their department. After an interactive refresher on basic terms and resources, you will learn how to define your role as a records administrator, discuss ways to obtain buy-in from leadership and colleagues, make a plan for documenting department-specific procedures, and review ways to organize your department’s records. This class is interactive. Be prepared to share and discuss your challenges and goals and learn from others who are responsible for department-wide records management.

Audience: Open to those who have previously attended Records Management for All or Records Management for Research.

Project/Task-Specific Classes

Email Management 

Too much email in your inbox? Not sure what to keep and what to delete? This course will review the laws and policy that designate email as a public record, when and how to delete email, managing and organizing your Inbox, and UVA-specific tools to automate retention of email.

Audience: Recommended for those who have previously attended Records Management for All.

Shared Drive Clean-up 

Does your shared drive have old information that you never use? Learn the road map for organizing and cleaning up a shared drive, so that information is truly shared. In addition to reviewing UVA-approved storage options, we’ll discuss best practices for file naming and folder structures.

Audience: Recommended for those who have previously attended Records Management for All.

Paperless Office: Scanning Guidelines 

Would you like to work in a paperless office? Learn about your responsibilities when reformatting paper records to electronic images, including managing them in compliance with federal, state, and UVA rules and regulations. We will discuss when you should and should not scan, as well as how to identify the best storage location for scanned images.

Audience: Recommended for those who have previously attended Records Management for All.

Personal Records Management 

Not sure how long to keep those receipts, or the statements from your credit cards? Learn the standard time periods to keep your personal records, as well as the preservation of personal electronic records, including digital photographs. Includes retention of personal financial records, email, electronic records, digital photographs and other types of personal records.

Audience: Open to any interested University personnel, regardless of attendance at another RM training.

URMA (University Records Management Application)

URMA Hands-on Training 

This class will provide a hands-on demonstration of URMA and give participants a chance to practice tasks including record creation and updating, searching, creating a “pick-list” for transfer of records to a storage vendor, label creation, and the disposition (RM3 form) process.

Audience: Open to those who have previously attended Records Management for All. Prior to class, attendees must obtain supervisor authorization to use the URMA system.

URMA Hands-on Training for Research

Do you want to see the University Records Management Application (URMA) in action? This class will provide a research-specific, hands-on demonstration of URMA and give participants an opportunity to practice tasks including record creation and updating, searching, creating a “pick-list” for transfer of records to a storage vendor, label creation, and the disposition (RM3 form) process.

Audience: Open to those who have previously attended Records Management for Research. Prior to class, attendees must obtain supervisor authorization to use the URMA system.